How Chiropractors Can Help Prevent Back Injuries

The back is a vital part of your body that supports several crucial physical functions. These may include walking, running, sitting, and moving your limbs. An injury to this section of your body can heavily affect your daily life. Visiting a chiropractor can help you prevent such an injury by applying their expertise to your condition.

Physical Therapy

Through guidance, physical therapy also rehabilitates a spinal injury and prevents any other. The exercises are easy to do on your own, and you only visit your chiropractor during appointments. They are crucial for overall wellness, as well as to strengthen and stretch your back after injuries. Chiropractors may incorporate stretching, aerobics, and strength and endurance training to improve mobility.

Spinal Adjustments

Spinal adjustments include:

  • An assortment of hands-on alterations.

  • Pressure techniques that align the vertebrae in the spine.

Chiropractors use their hands or an instrument to treat your misalignment to avoid more injury. They apply a measure of force on specific points of your back to ensure you maintain or gain mobility. Spinal adjustments are also beneficial to your back. They can help relieve pain in other parts of the body due to misalignment.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

Chiropractors often use EMS to rehabilitate or prevent back injuries. They do this by strengthening adjacent tissues and muscles. The caregiver uses the treatment to mimic the reaction in the muscles during a routine exercise routine.

EMS procedure involves attaching electrodes to specific areas on your back. These send electrical currents through the muscle tissues to help restore or improve their function. In addition, the procedure aids in controlling the number of back muscle spasms you may be experiencing. EMS has the advantage of controlling pain and inflammation since it triggers the release of endorphins in your body.

Lifestyle Recommendations

A chiropractor can legally recommend a lifestyle change to promote your overall health to avoid back injuries. The recommended changes vary with each individual case.

During your first appointment, they will assess your pain, mobility, and expectations if you aim to avoid injury. You may also take this opportunity to explain your health goals. These may vary from trying to walk again or strengthening your spine because of the nature of your occupation. Your chiropractor will incorporate any of your expectations within your treatment plan.

Good Body Mechanics

Chiropractors may offer to teach proper body mechanics aside from relieving pain through joint manipulation. These help you sustain the benefits of your therapy or keep you from injuring yourself. They can show you the best postures to avoid putting extra pressure on your back. Using this skill, they can spot and correct errors in your posture before they cause unwanted injuries.

Chiropractors can predict the root cause of back pain because of their expertise in the human musculoskeletal system. Apart from ensuring that your back is in good condition, they can assess the status of the surrounding structures.

For more about the prevention of back injuries, visit Campion Chiropractic Clinic at our office in College Station, Texas. Call (979) 464-4400 to book an appointment today.

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2:00 pm-6:00 pm 8:00 am-12:00 pm
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2:00 pm-6:00 pm 8:00 am-12:00 pm
1:00 pm-5:00 pm 7:00 am-1:00 pm Closed Closed chiropractor,3,,,